approved charge中文什么意思

发音:   用"approved charge"造句
  • approved:    adj. 已被承认的;良好的;有效的 ...
  • charge:    vt. 1.填;装(子弹);充(电) ...
  • approved by:    核准; 经...批准; 审定者
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  1. Units in charge of collecting fees and imposing fines shall , firmly based on approved charging projects , items of money from fines and confiscations and procedure of handling , hand over administrative charges and incomes from fines and confiscations , in full and on time , respectively to the state treasure and the special account for non - budgetary financial funds , ensuring full sums of money in place


  1. approved by acclamation 什么意思
  2. approved by his majesty 什么意思
  3. approved cable 什么意思
  4. approved certificate for product 什么意思
  5. approved changes 什么意思
  6. approved charitable donation 什么意思
  7. approved charitable institution 什么意思
  8. approved circuit 什么意思
  9. approved code specification 什么意思
  10. approved collection area 什么意思


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